Kunskapsförbundet Väst
Kunskapsförbundets internationella arbete

Kunskapsförbundet tar aktivt del i internationellt arbete som ett verktyg för livslångt lärande.
Om vårt Internationaliseringsarbete
Inom Kunskapsförbundet pågår många olika projekt och mycket lärande med internationalisering som verktyg. Såväl personal som elever/studerande från våra gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildningen har möjlighet att delta i de olika projekt som inbegriper allt ifrån exempelvis kursdeltagande, jobbskuggning, APL, deltagande i Euroscola, språkresor till FN-rollspel.
Kunskapsförbundet Väst
Kunskapsförbundet is a local federation that since 1 January 2013 is responsible for the management and development of the business operations that make up Trollhättan and Vänersborg municipalities’ options for secondary school and Adult Education. The aim in creating this federation is to ensure the good long- term conditions for education and support for student development.
The federation is governed politically, through municipal council politicians from both municipalities, lead primarily by a federation director and – with around 700 teachers, headteachers and other staff – educates around 6 500 students, fairly evenly divided across secondary and adult education. The teaching is currently run in four large school buildings located in both Vänersborg and Trollhättan and offers an almost comprehensive range of programmes and types of education.
According to the curricula for upper secondary and adult education, the school must contribute to students gaining an identity related to the Swedish but also to the Nordic, European and global. In connection with participation in international activities, our students gain insight into cultural diversity, preparation and understanding of life in a society with ever closer contacts across national and cultural borders as well as valuable international contacts, educational exchanges with foreign countries and internships in other countries. The Kunskapsförbundet’s plan for internationalization is part of the formation of a common and equivalent approach to the work with international issues and securing the related curriculum assignments. This plan must apply equally to all our schools in Kunskapsförbundet.
Our vision
For Kunskapsförbundet to be ‘a factory of dreams’ where everyone can grow and be excited about the future – that is our vision and it provides the level of direction and ambition for the entire organisation. This means that Kunskapsförbundet wants to view itself as ‘a factory of dreams’, a place where everyone is welcome with their dreams, or to get help in formulating them, and gaining the tools to turn them into reality. It may be dreams about a career, a particular industry, or the desire to develop and learn both as an individual and together with others. Kunskapsförbundet wants to be a place that offers the perfect conditions for each individual to grow as a person, aside from the teaching aspect. Just imagine if everyone learning at Kunskapsförbundet felt happy and excited about the future. Imagine if they can be equipped with hope, self-belief and confidence, in addition to the standard requirements of knowledge and skills.
”The purpose of education is for me to become me, so I can truly contribute to my society. Today it´s a global society so, the purpose of education is to prepare the kids to be global citizens.” (Peter Senge)
Kunskapsförbundet has the vision of creating excitement about the future and motivation for continued lifelong learning in each student in our care, and we have to therefore ask ourselves how this school needs to be like in order to achieve this. Do we believe it is a school based on the idea of creating future citizens who mainly learn to adapt, to be obedient and a sense of duty, where it is
essentially time, the classroom, rules, timetables, lessons, tradition and conformity that are key? Or do we believe that it is a school designed around the idea of a future global citizen with a strong sense of personal and social involvement? A school where the starting point is to enable maximum diversity so that each pupil is given the opportunity to be ‘themselves’ as much as possible – to develop and foster their own unique individuality – and with that, the opportunity to contribute to a positive development of our common democratic society and sustainable world. The answer is grant, but it needs us to partly re-learn in terms of our approach to the school’s objectives and organisation, and learn more about what is an en-gaging learning environment that supports our efforts. We feel that this is about a better use and development of the students’ creativity, influence, initiative, ability to see context and the bigger picture, self-esteem, the courage to take risks, curiosity and interest, as well as the ability to turn ideas into actions. Essentially, everything that international knowledge, cooperation and exchange is an excellent learning environment for. By taking the curriculum objective of internationalisation seriously, we improve our opportunity to approach the vision.
Organisation of international work
The international work within the Kunskapsförbundet has developed in a positive direction, since the start in 2013. All the activities in the Kunskapsförbundet have experience from international collaborations, both within and outside the EU, for example through workbased learning (APL), learning at work (LIA), partnership projects, language projects, staff training, etcetera.
The international work in the Kunskapsförbundet is coordinated by a resource, an international coordinator, with extensive experience of international cooperation in the education system. Each activity has a responsible vice-headmaster who is the contact person for the Kunskapsförbundet international coordinator regarding the international work in the activity. During an ongoing project, one or two people in the project are project managers and have continuous contact with the international coordinator. The international coordinator has a good contact in the union’s management team and regular reconciliations with representatives of the organization.
This type of organization means that we have an active internationalization group with both new and old participants and reach out to all students and all staff within the Kunskapsförbundet.
The purpose of the internationalization group is to actively monitor, practically support and implement the curriculum perspective ”internationalization”.
Aim and objectives of internationalisation in Kunskapsförbundet
The aim of internationalisation in Kunskapsförbundet is to respond to the objectives in steering document. In the Code of Statutes (SKOLFS 2011:144) of the National Agency for Education, on the curriculum for upper secondary school and (SKOLFS 2012:101) on the curriculum for Adult Education, it states that international contacts and educational exchanges with other countries should be promoted. An international perspective is important to be able to see the actual reality in a global context and to create international solidarity. Kunskapsförbundet´s overall goals with the internationalization work are:
– To make lifelong learning and mobility a reality.
– To improve the quality and efficiency of education.
– To promote equal opportunities for all, social cohesion and active citizenship.
– To increase creativity and the ability to innovate, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of educations.
Our needs for development
Within the Kunskapsförbundet, the need for external monitoring and the exchange of experiences and methods has increased, as the demands increase for every citizen to be able to live and work in a global environment and become a world citizen.
Our identified needs are:
– To gain more knowledge and a deeper understanding of other cultures in order to counteract xenophobia that is constantly present in our society.
– To live up to the curriculum’s democratic demands.
– To gain an increased understanding and knowledge of similarities and differences of cultures, norms and traditions.
– To increase employability through APL and LIA abroad.
– To develop our knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to the national goals in the curricula.
– That the staff within the Kunskapsförbundet increase their competence and professional skills through continuous training and relationship building in international contexts.
Expected results of our internationalization work
After completing studies from Kunskapsförbundet, our students must have:
– Gained a better view of oneself and one’s own existence by being reflected in other people and their living conditions.
– Learned to observe and analyze the interaction with the outside world from an economic, cultural, democratic, ecological, technical and aesthetic perspective.
– Gained knowledge of international cooperation and global connections and can assess events from a Swedish, Nordic, European and global perspective.
– Gained an understanding of other cultures and learned the conditions for a sustainable environment both in the local environment and in a broader perspective.
– Gained increased motivation to learn other languages.
– Developed their professional skills, which leads to increased employability.
– Gained a greater and deeper understanding of international relations and connections.
Our staff must:
– Through continuous training and skills development in international contexts, increasingly better conditions are created to increase the quality of teaching.
En grupp rektorer, en internationell koordinator och en förbundsdirektör var under en vecka i januari 2023 på kurs och representerade alla Kunskapsförbundets skolor och huvudman. Kursen ägde rum på yrkesskolan Las Indias i staden Santa Cruz på Teneriffa i Spanien. Gruppen arbetade med att planera, genomföra och utvärdera internationaliseringsprojekt tillsammans med de andra ländernas deltagare. Syftet var också att lära av andra
länders arbete med internationalisering och knyta nya kontakter för framtida samarbeten.👍
Läs mer om projektet här:
How to do your school more international
Under en vecka i oktober besökte representanter från Kunskapsförbundet Serbien för att lära mer om tvåspråkighet i undervisningen. Hur jobbar de i Belgrad med synen på modersmål och minoritetsspråk, läromedel på serbiska och övriga språk, klassrumsperspektivet och så vidare?
Några av de saker som kommer att implementeras i Kunskapsförbundets undervisning är ett dokumentationssystem, samt ett fortsatt samarbete med Google Meet-träffar mellan modersmålslärare och lärare från Serbien. 👍
Läs mer om projektet här:
Jobbskuggning Tvåspråkighet
SERN | Sweden Emilia-Romagna Network
SERN är ett av de främsta transnationella nätverken i Europa som främjar förbindelser mellan norra och södra Europa, särskilt mellan Sverige och Italien. Sedan nätverket bildades har det utvecklat mer än 130 projekt på europeisk nivå och driver en kontinuerlig process av utbyte och samarbete mellan svenskar och italienare.
SERN vill öka livskvaliteten och möjligheterna för medborgarna i de kommuner och regioner som ingår i nätverket.
Nätverket bidrar genom sin verksamhet till att bygga en europeisk union som drivs av nord-syd-samarbete där italienska och svenska samhällen och deras medborgare är viktiga drivkrafter för förändring mot ett mer inkluderande, hållbart och digitaliserat samhälle
Läs mer om SERN här:
Brochure in english:
About Sern_english
Broschyr på svenska:
Om Sern_på svenska
Projektet är ett samarbete mellan folkbiblioteken i Vänersborg,
Linköping och KFV, samt de italienska biblioteken.
Läs mer här:
Olaprojektet Biblioteket Internationalisering

Relaterade länkar
Susanna Radovanovic
International Coordinator, Kunskapsförbundet
Telefon +46701629579