Birger Sjöberggymnasiet / Nyheter / 2024 / 01 / 30

Elevbesök från Frankrike

Under en månad har Naturvetenskapsprogrammet besök av Lilly från Frankrike!

Vi frågade Lilly om hennes vistelse här på Birger Sjöberggymnasiet. Såhär sa Lilly:

Since I arrived everything has gone well. Teachers and students are very kind to me. It’s something difficult to go to a school where you don’t know anyone and you don´t speak the language but from the first day everyone made me feel good, especially Zizi and her friends. 

In France we don’t have programs like you have. We have to choose 3 specialities that we will study. I think that I would like to have programs in France. I think it´s more interesting that just 3 subjects. Also, I don’t know if it’s really something in the education but we don’t use computers as support. And the last difference that maybe figure in the education is the relations between the teachers and the students, in France we have to call them by their last name and we have to call them Mister or Madam. We can’t talk to them when we want, we even not have the access to their offices.

Tell us about your favourite memoury!

My visit is not finish but for the moment my favorites memories are the ones when I am with Zizi and her friends because they are kind people that I will never forget. I have also ice skating for the first time so I will remember this like a really good moment.

I think that the best thing about Sweden it´s the weather. I really like cold weather and I like snow, moreover we don´t have so much snow in France, so I am in the right place for all of that. And the best thing about Vänersborg I think it´s the fact that it´s a big city with all you want close. I mostly like the candy shop.

Lilly har besökt Birger Sjöberggymnasiet under fyra veckor, och följt eleven Zizi under hennes skoldagar. När Lilly åker hem till Frankrike igen följer Zizi med henne och har tre veckor utbyte där. Läs mer om vårt internationaliseringsarbete här.